1. A female canine animal, especially a dog.
2. Offensive.
a. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.
b. A lewd woman.
c. A man considered to be weak and contemptible.
3. Slang. A complaint.
4. Slang. Something very unpleasnat or difficult.
From Dictionary.com
Bitch; Someone who is mean, judgmental, strident or uptight.
In prison slang: A sex slave. Usually lower hierarchy, who is either physically weak or vulnerable,
who is dominated by senior prisoners and forced to take a servile role.
From free definition.com
Bitch: In the glossary of male homosexuals, a bitch is a particular type of male homosexual that is gentle,
kind, sensitive which may make them more vulnerable emotionally and mentally and usually they are at least somewhat servile.
A sex slave.
From Dwight & Michelle